So I know people are looking at this blog, I imagine that the bulk of the readers are from our meeting on Fridays! However, nobody is leaving any comments - do you like what we are posting? So if you read this blog - let us know, leaves us comment on this entry about who you are!
Here is what I know about you from the blog stats:
- Most of the readers are from Canada
- The US is the second most popular country
- 34 people looked it at today already as of 829am
- We seem to have a growing number of readers from Russia who are finding the blog
- We also have had people look at the blog from Germany and South Korea
- More readers are using Safari as their browser - and are accessing the blog from an iPhone, iPad or Mac
So please if you are reading the blog- leave us a message about who you are!
We know you are out there - tell us about yourself!